Midjourney’s Choice, Discord

Hello, everyone!
In the world of digital art, many creators gather to collaborate and communicate creatively, and I believe quite a few of you are using Discord in MidJourney.

Discord has established itself as a hub for collaboration and communication across various fields. How did Discord servers become a central point for innovative creative activities and beneficial knowledge sharing?

Midjourney's Choice, Discord Banner


Discord is primarily known as a voice chat program specialized for gaming. It started as a platform for voice and text chat primarily for gamers, but now it’s widely used across various communities. It allows users to easily communicate and interact with each other. Users can create servers, communicate via text, voice, and video, and even add various automated services and useful features using bots.

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1. Serendipitous Collaborations Begin

The story of MidJourney choosing Discord as its platform is quite intriguing.
The Midjourney team discovered Discord’s powerful bot capabilities while testing its system. They found that they could generate images in real time using text prompts and invite users to discuss feedback – a significant advantage they found fascinating. Attracted by these functional conveniences and user-friendly aspects, the Midjourney team adopted Discord as their central platform. This creative and open communication centered around Discord has elevated the user experience with Midjourney’s bot to a new level.

2. Discord’s Role: A Haven for Creators

Discord has become a haven for creators today. Gamers, artists, programmers are communicating on Discord, sharing ideas, and inspiring each other. Among them, MidJourney’s server is receiving special attention.

1) Servers

Servers are the spaces on Discord. They are made by specific communities and friend groups. The vast majority of servers are small and invitation-only. Some larger servers are public. Any user can start a new server for free and invite their friends to it.

Best Discord servers for Content Creators

2) Channel

Discord servers are organized into text and voice channels, which are usually dedicated to specific topics and can have different rules.

3) Roles

Roles are a way of designating who is who in your server. You can keep channels within your server exclusive to certain roles (for example, your highest-paying patrons get their own private channel). Roles can have their own set of server and channel-specific permissions. 

4) Permissions

Permissions allow users to have specific privileges and functions in a server. Some permissions can be as basic as allowing users the ability to add reactions to messages while other permissions grant users more administrative actions. These permissions are based on the roles assigned to users in a server and permissions can be assigned per role on both the server level and channel level. 

5) DMs and GDMs

Users can send private messages to other users as a direct message (DM), as well as start a voice or video call. Most DMs are one-on-one conversations, but users have the option to invite up to nine others to the conversation to create a private group DM (GDM), with a maximum size of ten people. Group DMs are not public and require an invite from someone in the group to join.

6) Go Live

users can share their screen with other people who are on a server or a DM with them. You can disable this for certain roles and disable it for others using role permissions. 

3. Unique Space in MidJourney’s Discord Server

MidJourney’s Discord server is a space for creators centered around text-to-image AI. It offers a new creative experience to creators by generating beautiful artworks in seconds using amazing technology.

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Midjourney Discord Server

4. Beyond Discord: Expanding Creative Applications

MidJourney’s choice of Discord goes beyond using it as a mere communication tool; it’s about forming deep relationships with creators. Inside the server, beyond image generation, there are weekly challenges, events, and contests offering new challenges and experiences to creators.

5. Joining MidJourney’s Discord Server

If you’re interested in digital art, consider joining MidJourney’s Discord server. You can receive an invitation here. Everyone is welcome to join the journey of creation.

6. Exploring the Future of Digital Art Together

MidJourney’s Discord server offers a glimpse into the innovative future of digital art.
Why not join in this creative journey, explore the new horizons of modern digital art, and unfold new ideas and experiences in a collaborative space? 🚀🎨

–> Go to Post (TOP5 AI Art Generators of 2023 – Midjourney)

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